How to Pick the Best Day of the Week to Book a Flight

Most people have heard that if they travel Tuesday through Thursday, they may pay less in airfare since these are less traveled days. While it may be true, booking the flight on the right day of the week is key to saving money on airfare. Here are some tips to help you pick the best day of the week to book a flight.


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      Determine where your preferred airline's home office is located.

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      Find out the time zone for its home office's location.

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      Log on to the airline's website shortly after 12am (in the airline's time zone) on Wednesday night. This is the best day and time of the week to book a flight because this is when most airlines purge their computerized systems of any airline reservations that were not booked.

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      Keep in mind that these are generally affordable tickets, so if you can manage to log on at that time, you can possibly book a flight and get a good deal.

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      Find cheap airline reservations by booking your flight on Thursday night if you're traveling on the weekend. Most airlines release their weekend specials on Thursday evening.

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