How to Compare Cruise Lines

Some cruise lines specialize in getting singles together; others cater to families. Still others offer luxury accommodations from magnificent rooms to on-the-spot service. So, decide whether you want to pay extra for perks or save money above all. Then you'll still need to compare ship size, inclusions, itineraries and more.


    • 1

      Decide if you want to cruise contemporary, premium, luxury or specialty--each has different itineraries and services.

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      Access Web sites that allow you to search by criteria, such as where you want to go and for how long.

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      Call a cruise specialist to determine the exact itinerary for you.

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      Consider what's inclusive and what isn't--each and every soda can cost you for non-inclusive packages that don't offer certain amenities.

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      Go online to see the actual ships, inside and out, to compare cabins and other features.

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      Read reviews online to see what others say about the cruise ships they've tried.

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