How to Travel to France From Ireland

Traveling through Europe allows visitors to see and experience a wide range of tourist attractions that include old ruins, evocative rural landscapes and historic cities and towns. While journeying through Ireland, for instance, travelers may decide to go on a trip to France. Going from Ireland to France -- or vice versa -- is possible via a ferry between the two countries. Ferries are not only a relaxing means of transportation, they allow travelers to view the Irish and French coasts from interesting perspectives. In a way, taking a ferry is similar to going on a cruise, but with a shorter amount of time spent on the ship.


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      Settle on the dates for your trip. Planning ahead often allows you to avail of specially priced travel deals. The more flexible you are in terms of travel dates, the more options you'll have.

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      Book a ferry for your chosen date. Ferries are booked via company websites like Irish Ferries. Choose the route from Ireland to France and select the month, day and preferred time of travel. Travel from Rosslare in Ireland to Roscof in France is an option, for example. If returning to Ireland later, include the return information as well. Add the number of travelers and get the available information for rates.

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      Remember to take into account the fact that rates are variable depending on the time of year, the availability of tickets, whether transportation is needed to get to the ferry and whether travel is round trip or one-way. A typical ferry ride between Ireland and France, without factoring in transportation to get to the point of embarkation, costs around $150 dollars per person on average (as of 2011).

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      Select the preferred trip from among the options and rates available. Pay the fees and costs when required and print out the confirmation information. The trip from Ireland to France is usually around 20 hours, with some variation depending on the specific starting point and final destination.

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