Private-Plane Airports in Northern California

Large airlines use giant airports and carry hundreds of passengers at a time. Often this form of public transportation can be overwhelming, busy and lacking in personal satisfaction and comfort. Northern California offers many airports for private planes as an alternative. Whether you are a pilot or a passenger you will benefit from the services that private plane airports have to offer.
  1. Redding Jet Center

    • The Redding Jet Center, operated by Redding Aero Enterprises Inc., is an airport for privately owned planes. As a fixed based operator, the Redding Jet Center provides pilot supplies, nitrogen and oxygen, 24-hour 100 LL and Jet A, ground power units and flight planning. The center also provides charter flights to destinations nationwide based on your needs, as well as ground transportation and hotel reservations.

      Redding Jet Center

      3775 Flight Avenue

      Redding, CA 96002


    Nut Tree Airport

    • Located between Sacramento and San Francisco, the Nut Tree Airport has a 4,700 foot runway. This airport handles everything from light aircraft to corporate jets. The facility provides hanger and office rentals, maintenance, and fuel services. This northern California airport also rents and sells aircraft, and offers flight lessons and pilot-training.

      Nut Tree Airport

      301 County Airport Road Suite 205

      Vacaville, CA 95688


    Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport

    • The Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport is centrally located in the wine country area. It runs daily non-stop flights for passengers, and provides services and amenities for pilots and crews arriving on commercial or personal aircraft. Services include maintenance, hangar space and tie-downs. The air traffic control tower is in full operation daily from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

      Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport

      2200 Airport Boulevard

      Santa Rosa, CA 95403


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