Rail Travel to Cardiff

Cardiff, Wales, is a quaint city less than 2 hours from London, England. An official city for only 100 years, Cardiff has been settled for over 2,000 years. Located along Cardiff Bay, the compact city and capital of Wales draws millions of visitors a year to its seaside for a quiet escape. One of the most convenient ways to travel to Wales from other parts of the United Kingdom is by rail. Here are some options for rail travel to Cardiff, Wales.
  1. First Great Western

    • Formerly Wessex trains, The First Great Western train lines travel across the western part of the United Kingdom. It is intended for commuter travel.

    Virgin Trains

    • Virgin Trains is one of the most popular lines because it is inexpensive. Virgin Trains stop in all major cities, including Cardiff, and has rates as low as five pounds.

    Cross Country Trains

    • Cross Country Trains travels over 1400 miles and stops at 100 different stations across the United Kingdom, including a line that runs from London's Stansted Airport to Cardiff.

    Arriva Trains

    • Arriva Trains is also known as Train Wales. The small line has stations and rail travel across Wales and into other parts of the United Kingdom. Its main purpose is simply public transportation from one city in Wales to another.


    • One of the most unique traveling experiences comes in the form of the Eurostar. This rail travel is built underground and travels from mainland Europe to the United Kingdom. The station is in London, but additional train travel can be connected from Eurostar to Cardiff.

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