How to Book Train Travel From Moosonee to Cochrane

Travelers and residents of the small Ontario town of Moosonee need to travel by train to reach Cochrane. Travel between the 2 towns is a long, laborious process using local roads. However, the necessity of train travel between Moosonee and Cochrane does not lessen the fact that there are some great attractions along the route.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer with Internet capability for research and reservations.
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  1. Book Train Travel

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      Ascertain the semi-weekly schedule of the Little Bear train. The Little Bear runs round trip 3 times per week. The train heads south to Cochrane every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

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      Book your Ontario Northland Railway excursion in advance. Reserved seating is required for both the Little Bear and the Polar Bear Express. Travelers can consult the Northland website or call any Ontario Northland Railway station to set up accommodations.

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      Book your trip to Cochrane aboard Ontario Northland Railways with an eye to the running schedule. The Polar Bear Express only runs from June through August, every day except Saturday. The passenger and freight train Little Bear runs year round.

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      Weigh your choices. The Little Bear is a bit cheaper than the Polar Bear Express and has more convenient running times. On the other hand, it tends to be more crowded. Decide whether a bit of extra room is worth a bit of extra money.

    Travel by Train

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      Stretch your legs out at the 3 major stops between Moosonee and Cochrane. Both the Little Bear and the Polar Bear Express stop at stations in Fraserdale, Otter Rapids and Moose River. Travelers can take a look at the quaint, old style stations of Canada's past.

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      Absorb the rich aboriginal history of the town of Moosonee before heading to Cochrane. This small town has been relatively untouched by modern technology, leaving early twentieth century homes and buildings of great beauty for tourists to enjoy.

    Follow the Rules for Train Travel

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      Consult the Ontario Northland Railway website before packing for your Cochrane trip. Both trains between Cochrane and Moosonee allow only a single carry-on item and 2 checked bags per passenger. An additional service fee is applied for every stored bag over this limit.

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      Obey the various provincial laws applicable to train travel between Moosonee and Cochrane. Consumption of alcohol and smoking are both illegal aboard trains in the province of Ontario. Heavy fines can be levied by station agents against offenders.

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