How to Treat Sea Foam

Treating your automobile engine with Sea Foam is a wise way to eliminate corrosion and prolong the life of your vehicle. Invented during the 1930s by Fred Fandrei, a professional fuel expert, Sea Foam was first developed to protect the integrity of gasoline and motor oil. Sea Foam is available for purchase at automotive supply stores. Two Sea Foam treatments exist to suit gasoline and diesel engines, respectively.

Things You'll Need

  • Sea Foam motor treatment
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  1. Gasoline Engines

    • 1

      Pour Sea Foam into an empty gas tank. Add 1-pint of Sea Foam per 8 gallons of gasoline.

    • 2

      Add Sea Foam to your oil intake system a maximum of 100 miles prior to a 3,000 mile oil change. Pour 1 1/2-oz. of Sea Foam to your oil intake system per existing quart of oil. The Sea Foam helps break up corroded oil prior to an oil change.

    • 3

      Drive your car until you reach 3,000 miles. Change your oil at the 3,000 mile marker. Pour 1 1/2-ounces of Sea Foam into your oil intake system per fresh quart of oil.

    Diesel Engines

    • 4

      Pour Sea Foam into an empty diesel tank. Add 1-oz. of Sea Foam per gallon of diesel fuel.

    • 5

      Add Sea Foam to your oil intake system a maximum of 100 miles prior to a 3,000 mile oil change. Pour 1-pint of Sea Foam into you oil intake system for every 2 1/2-gallons of existing oil.

    • 6

      Drive your car until you reach 3,000 miles. Change your oil at the 3,000 mile marker. Pour 1-pint of Sea Foam into your oil intake system per fresh 2 1/2-gallons of oil.

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