How to Reuse Motor Oil

Many of us, as a measure to help us save money are learning to do tasks for ourselves that we used to pay to have someone else do for us. One of the things that we are doing is changing our own oil. But what do we do with that oil that we've replaced?
Pouring oil down storm drains, tossing it in your driveway, in the street or on the ground or into lakes and streams or wetlands is illegal. As is spreading oil to suppress dust or to kill weeds or to burn oil outdoors.
According to the EPA, Used motor oil is insolvent, persistent and can contain toxic chemicals and heavy metals. It sticks to everything from beach sand to birds. Oil from do-it-yourself oil changes is the main source of oil contaminates of waterways and can result in pollution of drinking water.

Things You'll Need

  • A clean container suitable to carry motor oil.
  • Used motor oil
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      Used motor oil can be recycled and refined. According to the EPA if all the oil from American do-it-yourselfers who change their own oil recycled their oil, it would be enough motor oil recycled to change the oil on 50 million cars. Place your used motor oil in a plastic container that has a tight fitting lid. (Perhaps a recycled milk jug, cleaned immediately without toxic chemicals--bleach for example.)Do not mix with anything else.

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      Take your motor oil to a place that recycles the motor oil. In California for example, not only do they accept the oil but can also recycle the oil filter. If you don't have a local recycling station that handles motor oil. If your recycling station doesn't accept motor oil, call local service stations, quick lubes and other places that change oil to see if they will accept your oil. If not, find out where they recycle their oil.

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      Though you'll want to recycle most of your motor oil and though there are limitations to what you can do with your motor oil as pointed out in the introduction, there are still ways that you can use your used motor oil and save even more money. You can use motor oil in place of bar and chain oil in your chainsaw. (NOT THE ADDITIVE, the bar and chain oil. Simply add used motor oil ounce for ounce in place of the bar and chain oil.

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      Put used motor oil in a squirt can and use in place of WD-40 for oiling hinges and such.

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      If not using synthetic motor oil, can use in dormant oil spray. (See my article on making dormant oil spray.)

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      One usage years ago used to be to put oil into a container filled with sand to help clean garden tools. It would still work but how would you recycle the oil when you were ready to replace the oil? Here's a better way. Dampen rag with used motor oil. Remove dirt after using by spraying it with a garden hose. Dry with a clean rag. Now, wipe down garden tool with the oil dampened rag. Apply to metal and wood surfaces. Will keep metal from rusting, wood from drying out and breaking and will help prevent splinters.

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