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How to Store Items in a Motor Home

Traveling in a motor home provides an enjoyable and comfortable way to explore the open road. Unlike normal road trips, however, traveling in a motor home requires you to be conscientious about how you store items. Storing items in a motor home requires you to identify objects that could be damaged in transit or could potentially damage other items while in transit. Upon identifying these objects, you should secure them as best as possible to protect against potential damage or injury.

Things You'll Need

  • Residue-less tape
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      Stack cookware and other dishes inside of each other. Stacking cookware and other dishes will cut down on the amount of space these items take up inside of your motor home. Additionally, when your motor home is on the move, storing items in this fashion will cut down on the likelihood of dishes shifting and breaking inside the motor home's cabinets.

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      Identify "homes" for all electrical appliances and other counter-top items that you do not use all the time and draw an outline of that item in its home position. For example, if you store your coffeemaker on the bottom shelf of the cabinet directly to the left of your sink, draw an outline around the space that the coffee maker usually occupies and write "coffeemaker" inside the outline. This will remind you where to store certain items and it will also help you quickly inventory items.

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      Tuck the edges of the bed linens underneath the mattress like they do in a hotel. This will prevent the bed linens from shifting and falling off of the bed while in transit.

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      Write some sort of abbreviated code indicating the content of your canned goods on top of the can in permanent marker and store the canned goods in your lowest cabinets. For example, write "BB" on cans of baked beans or "CC" on cans of creamed corns. Loose cans in a motor home can do a lot of damage, so storing them low limits the amount of items they can crash into if they become dislodged.

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      Secure all loose items with residue-free tape. This includes items in cabinets such as dishes, cups, plates, cans, appliances and soon, as well as the cabinet doors themselves.

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