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How to Build a Homemade RV Motor Home

Most large vehicles can be transformed into some type of RV. In fact, it's likely you will see a homemade RV any time you drive down the road. Some are plain and simple while others are fancy and luxurious. It all depends on your needs and what you can afford. Take time to plan out what you want in your RV and construct a quality home away from home.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Glue and tape
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    • 1

      Figure out what type of vehicle is to be used. Draw some empty floor plans of the flooring in the vehicle on your paper. Make several copies. Develop a size scale to make the planning simpler.

    • 2

      Using the scale make templates of the the furniture and appliances you want in your RV. Position the templates on the empty floor plan in various locations until you decide where they will go.

    • 3

      Attach the templates. Using another empty floor plan decide your electrical layout. Keep in mind what appliances you are including and where they will be located.

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      Make a layout of the plumbing on a floor plan with the templates so you know where things need to be avoided or rearranged. Locate your holding tanks, near the plumbing. You will need a black, gray and freshwater tank.

    • 5

      Plan where you will cut windows in the vehicle. Avoid putting them around the sleeping area so it is not too bright to rest.

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