Gay Friendly Inns or Resorts in Arizona

Finding gay friendly accommodations while on vacation can be quite difficult. Gay couples may face stigmas and discrimination at some large resorts and hotels, but many smaller venues, such as inns and bed and breakfasts are very welcoming to the gay community. Arizona has several small lodges that are very gay friendly and offer both fun and romantic packages for couples.
  1. Lodge at Sedona

    • This resort is located in the Sedona Red Rock Country and holds a four-star bed and breakfast inn. With two acres of gardens, waterfalls and unique rock formations, this inn is located in a romantic outdoor setting. All rooms are styled with Mission arts and crafts created by local artists. Guests may use the fitness center which has both an indoor and an outdoor pool, a whirlpool, work out room and a meditation maze for guests to walk. Rooms have king, queen or twin beds, fireplaces, spa tubs, flat screen TVs, and private decks or patios. The lodge has several different guest packages, ranging from honeymoons and romantic getaways to arts and crafts tours of local galleries and museums. A gourmet five course breakfast is served every morning to guests, with snacks and to-order items available the rest of the day.

    Apple Orchard Inn

    • Located in the beautiful Red Rock region of Arizona, this inn is a common getaway for gay and lesbian couples. A guest's day starts with a three course breakfast and, after breakfast, guests can enjoy hiking, horseback riding, jeep tours, local art and music and photography. Massage and spa services are available, including a whirlpool and a cooling pool. All rooms come with queen or king beds, a TV and DVD player, coffee and tea and a small reading library. Guests may take walks or hikes around the local Red Rock area, and also have the option of horseback riding, golfing and dining at local restaurants.

    The Inn at 410

    • Flagstaff is the home of the Inn at 410, and has nine unique quest rooms. All guest rooms come with a private bath, mini-fridge, coffeemaker, fireplace, wireless Internet, cable, DVD player and central air and heat. Gourmet breakfast is offered every morning, along with afternoon tea service. Flagstaff offers many amenities of it's own, including a historic downtown area, several museums, an arboretum, skiing area and golfing. The inn is close enough to both the Painted Desert and the Grand Canyon for a day trip.

    Copper City Inn

    • Copper City Inn is located in Bisbee, located near Tombstone Canyon. There are five rooms, all with private bathrooms, pillow-top beds, allergen-free bedding and private balconies or decks. Rooms are also decked out with free Wi-fi, TVs with DVD players, bottled water, a complimentary bottle of wine and coffee and tea. Breakfast is also offered daily to all guests, as is a sun porch or large dining room for dining. The city of Bisbee is home to museums, golf courses, gourmet restaurants and a myriad of outdoor activities like hiking, biking and running trails.

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