Gay Friendly Resorts in Illinois

Gay men and women who are looking for a getaway in Illinois may benefit from a myriad of gay friendly resorts in the Land of Lincoln. From gay friendly studio style vacation suites in the heart of Chicago to country style bed and breakfasts in the Illinois heartland, gay singles and couples have a variety of options for luxury accommodations that are open to alternative lifestyles.
  1. Magnolia Studios

    • Located on a quiet street in the heart of Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood, Magnolia studios offers gay friendly, studio style accommodations that are within minutes to the beach at lake Michigan. These spacious studio quarters offer fully equipped kitchens that are complete with all cooking utensils, and free wireless internet access as well as luxuries such as plasma televisions, ultra modern showers and working fireplaces. Magnolia Studios are roomy enough to accommodate up to 4 guests, but are also cozy enough for a romantic getaway for two. As of September, 2010, rental rates varied based on date and length of stay, but averaged $120 per night.

      Magnolia Studios

      5705 N Magnolia Ave.

      Chicago, IL, 60660

      773 319-2331

    Belle Aire Mansion

    • Belle Aire Mansion is a luxury, gay friendly bed and breakfast located in the rural community of Galena, Illinois. Belle Aire Mansion offers its guests private, luxury accommodations with classic Victorian style decor. Rooms include amenities such as canopy beds, fireplaces and whirlpool baths big enough for two. Bell Air Mansion is an authentic 17th century home that dates back to the year 1836 and is located on over 11 private, wooded acres. Included with the cost of the room is morning coffee and tea service and a deluxe country breakfast including egg and meat dishes as well as a variety of fresh fruits and danishes. As of September, 2010, rates varied based on date of stay, but averaged $110 per night.

      Belle Aire Mansion

      11410 Route 20 West

      Galena, IL 61036

      815- 777-0893

    Priapus Pines Campground

    • Priapus Pines Campground is a men's only, gay friendly campground located on over 60 acres in Iuka, Illinois. The campground, which is clothing optional, includes large, pull through RV sites that include full electric and water hook ups as well as standard tents sites. Priapus Pines Campground offers amenities such as on site swimming pool with sunning deck, and community hot tub as well as a number of planned community events. As of September, 2010, guests of the Priapus Pines Campground were required to be 21 years of age and up and, while rates varied based on date and length of stay, averaged $10 per night.

      Priapus Pines Campground

      1372 Treefarm Road,

      Iuka, Illinois 62849


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