How to Enjoy a Family Camping Trip

A family camping trip can be an immensely satisfying getaway, escaping the everyday comforts to commune with nature and enjoy the outdoors. By taking a few easy steps you can make sure the whole family has as much fun as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Flashlight
  • First Aid Kit
  • Compass
  • Easily-prepared foods
  • Tent/Sleeping Bags


    • 1

      Assuming you'll be using a tent, practice in advance setting it up once or twice with the kids in the backyard or other appropriate area. This will not only be fun, but you'll have the process down to a science by the time you go camping-particularly helpful if you arrive after dark or during inclement weather.

    • 2

      Aside from hiking, have a few other activities in mind that can be enjoyed outdoors. Frisbees and kites are two easy options that most kids love.

    • 3

      Read up a bit on the natural history of the area before going, so you'll have some neat information to share with the kids; bringing along a bird-watching manual can add to the informative nature of your campout too.

    • 4

      If you're camping at a "walk-in" site, meaning not right by your car, be sure it's within manageable hiking distance of the parking area. You'll be carrying supplies and also have your kids with you, so it's not the perfect time for a four-mile hike.

    • 5

      Safety is obviously a number one priority, so teach your children about fire safety, responding to wildlife, not wandering off and other things of that nature. A good first aid kit is also totally necessary.

    • 6

      Along similar lines, make sure you have some concrete rules in place, particularly for younger children. It's easy for even a responsible child to go exploring by themselves, taste some vegetation, approach animals and other seemingly harmless acts that could lead to serious problems.

    • 7

      Bring along a book of campfire or ghost stories to read aloud by lantern or flashlight by the fire, always the perfect setting for storytelling fun. Likewise, any musicians might want to bring along their banjo, harmonica or what-have-you, to add to the entertainment.

    • 8

      Make sure you bring easy foods to prepare and eat, such as hot dogs, hamburgers and other camping-friendly foods. Having stomach medicine on hand is also wise.

    • 9

      Fully clean up after yourselves before leaving, setting a good example for your children and leaving your campsite at least as tidy as when you arrived.

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