How to Find Hostels in London

Make sure you look in a variety of places to find the best hostels in London. Looking for budget travel these days is not always easy. Whether you look in the library in travel guide books or on the web, you will use numerous research methods to find the best hostel in this fast paced city. Follow these steps on how to find a hostel in London.


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      Visit with a travel agent and ask about hostels in London. If you are backpacking and want to meet other backpackers in London, tell your travel agent. Travel agents will most likely give you an idea of the best hostels in different areas around London.

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      Search on the Internet for hostel accommodation in London. Check out websites like, or for reviews from readers. These websites will provide hostel ideas for London.

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      Ask around. Your friends and family might have traveled to London in the past. One of them might have traveled through the UK or visited London in the past. They might know of a good hostel.

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      Visit your local library and check out the travel section. Many books are available on London travel. You will find major travel guide books that can provide you with recommended hostels. Check out books published by LonelyPlanet, Frommers and Fodors.

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      If you find yourself in London without a place to stay, and little money

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