How to Find Things to do on Oahu

Travel preparation is the key to getting the most out of your vacation, especially on the tropical Hawaiian island of Oahu. Understanding what resources are available to you when planning your trip will help you uncover the most this beautiful location has to offer. You can then plan your itinerary with ease, targeting only the spots that interest you.


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      Speak with your friends and family members who have traveled to Oahu previously to ask what attractions they visited and enjoyed. Those people in your life close to you may enjoy what you enjoy as well. Additionally, they may have uncovered some unique locations that would be off the usual tourist's radar. Keep an accurate, detailed list so that you can research these tourist spots for yourself later.

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      Purchase a travel book specifically written about the island of Oahu at your local book store or online. Focus on the chapters which talk about the cities in Oahu to which you intend to travel. Travel book publishers like Frommer's and Lonely Planet are excellent resources.

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      Search Oahu using an online search engine to discover sites dedicated to the tourism of Oahu. Visit the state of Hawaii's official website for travel tips pertaining to all the islands and how to visit Hawaii propertly. You can also check out the official travel site of Oahu, The Island of Oahu, to find up-to-date information about festivals and activities divided by the island's five distinct regions: North Shore, Leeward Coast, Windward Coast, Central Oahu and Honolulu.

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      Utilize an online trip planner which can help you find and locate things to do in Oahu specifically focused on your interests, such as outdoor hiking trails, great restaurants or historical locations. The Travel Channel produces an excellent trip planner known as "Home and Abroad" which can build customized trips or allow you to browse attractions without organizing a set itinerary.

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      Plan to stop by the Oahu Visitor's Bureau when you first arrive on Oahu to hear what the local staff suggest. Obtain maps, coupons and advice here. The bureau is located in the island's capital at 733 Bishop Street, #1520, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813.

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