How to End a Timeshare Sales Pitch

You may have agreed to sit through a timeshare pitch to get a cheap vacation or to earn a free premium such as theme park tickets or dinner certificates. Now you're afraid that the so-called 2-hour presentation might stretch on endlessly as a high-pressure salesman keeps you captive until you agree to buy. Know the steps to end a timeshare pitch before you set foot into the presentation and you'll be able to safeguard your precious time.


    • 1

      Drive to the presentation location yourself. Often a timeshare company will instruct you to drive to a central office and transport you to a property to tour it and hear the pitch. If you don't have your own transportation, you are basically a captive. It may be difficult to get them to agree to let you drive yourself, but if at all possible try to have your own transportation.

    • 2

      Bring your children with you to the presentation, and refuse to allow them to be put into daycare. Many timeshare companies provide child care so your youngsters are out of the way and amused while you sit through the never-ending pitch. Insist that your children must stay with you because you don't want to leave them under the supervision of strangers. Fidgeting kids will give you a good reason to insist that the timeshare pitch must end at the stated time.

    • 3

      Set the timer on your wrist watch. For example, if you agreed to sit through a 2-hour presentation, when you first sit down set the timer in full view of the salesperson and say, "OK, I've started the clock. When the timer goes off, I will have fulfilled my obligation and we are done." Don't be afraid to take control of the presentation in this way. A salesperson tries to maintain control as a way to manipulate you, so it's perfectly fair to turn the tables.

    • 4

      Don't pretend to show any interest in order to be polite. If you show even the smallest indication that you might possibly buy, the salesperson will use it as a reason to turn on the pressure. You'll be subjected to the highest pressure sales pitch, a variety of offers, and even a visit from the manager. If you have no interest at all, tell the salesperson right from the start and don't vary from that stance.

    • 5

      Research timeshare resale prices for the company and resort you are visiting. Bring printouts of typical resale prices, with will typically be thousands of dollars below the regular price. When the salesperson start quoting prices to you, confront him with your sheet and ask if he can match the lowest price there. Your presentation will probably be over quickly, especially if you're in an area where other prospective buyers can overhear you.

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