What Is a Key Lock Box for Vacation Rentals?

Vacation-rental property owners are increasingly going to a lock-box system for key dispersal. The convenience and cost savings of this method are rapidly making it the favorite method in vacation areas such as Orlando, Florida. Lock boxes are convenient for both property owners and vacationers, not being dependent on anyone's schedule.
    • Many vacation rentals use a lockbox system.


    • Vacationers call the rental-property owner when they are close to the rental property, up to 12 hours in advance. The vacationers are given a code for the lock box on the door.

    Setting a Lock Box

    • While the lock box is open, the owner turns three dials, setting a combination for the lock. The key to the property front door is then put in the lock box, and the box is locked.

    Opening a Lock Box

    • Vacationers put the combination code into the three dials on the lock box. The correct combination unlocks the box, allowing the renters to get the key.

    Reasons for Using

    • Lock boxes can be accessed any time. Property owners don't have to be on site to hand over keys, and vacationers can arrive at the property at any time that fits their schedule.


    • Most lock boxes employ a simple three-dial locking system, and they are made of relatively thin metal. The danger of a thief breaking into the box can be a concern.

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