How to Pick a Guidebook

Are you a foodie looking to find the best restaurants in Paris? Perhaps you're a hiker eager to backpack across Colorado? A businessman headed to Hong Kong? No matter where you're headed and why, a good travel guidebook can help you make the most of your trip by acting as your own personal tour guide. Choosing a guidebook to fit your needs can save you time, money and headaches.

Things You'll Need

  • Library access (optional)
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      Establish a budget for the trip. Different guidebooks cater to different lifestyles. For example, the Let's Go guidebook series targets travelers on a tight budget whereas Frommer's may appeal more to the mature traveler who can afford more comforts.

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      Choose a book that focuses on the location you are visiting.

      Narrow your search by location. There are guidebooks for individual cities, as well as states and countries. If you are doing a motorcycle trip through Arizona, consider whether you'll be venturing farther; would a guidebook for the American Southwest be more appropriate?

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      Consider your interests. Do you need a guidebook that will tell you the history behind the masterpieces in the nearest art gallery? Do you want to know where the most challenging hiking trails are? What about the restaurants, shopping and nightlife? You need to pick a guidebook that will cater to your interests.

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      Review book formats and styles. If you're traveling on foot, does the guidebook include maps and locations for subway routes and stops? Does the guidebook use a rating system for hotels and restaurants? Does the guidebook list prices for activities and events? Does it include humorous side notes or trivia? Does the author offer personal anecdotes? There is something out there for everyone, so if you're looking for more of a history-based guidebook or one with advice or personal experiences, you have choices.

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      Examine the guidebook content for additional information, like foreign language translations. Most guidebooks for foreign countries will at least include a section of basic phrases, but if you are planning a longer vacation, you may want a more extensive dictionary or phrasebook.

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