How to Measure Heavy Luggage

It is imperative that you measure and weigh your luggage prior to heading to the airport before your next flight. Many airlines now charge substantial fees to passengers to check luggage and those fees only get higher if your luggage exceeds the size requirements for your particular airline. Every airline's luggage policies are different, but all require that your bags meet the airline standards. Oversized and overweight luggage could cost you between $50 and $100 to check. Finding out your luggage exceeds limits when you are already at the airport will incur outrageous fees; checking the size of your luggage prior to leaving home will help you eliminate additional fees.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Scale
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      Check with your airline to find out luggage size limits. Your bags cannot exceed a certain size in inches or weight in pounds if you want to avoid oversize fees.

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      Use a tape measure to measure the length, width and height of your luggage. Do this when your luggage is already packed; putting too much inside your luggage can extend the height of the bag significantly, making it larger than its original size.

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      Place your packed luggage on a scale to see how much it weighs. The general policy on most airlines is that your bag cannot exceed 50 pounds, though some airlines have different policies for international flights or on their smaller planes. If your luggage exceeds the weight limit specified by your airline, you need to remove items or pack a second bag. Checking an additional piece of luggage is less expensive than paying oversize luggage fees.

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