How to Find the Lowest Airline Fares

When purchasing airfare, prices can vary greatly. Just like any other product, the price depends on the demand of the market. If demand is low, the prices for traveling will also be significantly lower. Sometimes, in order to save money on airfare, you will have to make sacrifices that may affect the quality of your flight such as seating arrangements and various extended trip legs. Also, in order to get the best prices, you may have to try buying through various services such as Expedia, Kayak, Orbitz or others.


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      Fly in the middle of the day to save airfare. Look for flights that leave in the middle of the day and the middle of the week. Most business travelers fly on Fridays and Mondays, reports Use a more flexible travel window when purchasing your airfare.

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      Purchase tickets with multiple legs. The shortest trips and most direct flights are going to go for the highest prices as high end travelers place a greater value on time than cost. Sacrifice flight time to save money on your flight tickets.

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      Book your tickets early. Most airlines set aside a certain amount of discount seats per flight several months in advance. As tickets start selling, it's more likely that the remaining tickets will go up in price, reports Don't wait when purchasing your tickets, more than 50% of discounted fares are gone within 50 hours of the price change, according to

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      Check with other regional airports for the lowest airfare. Each airport uses different airlines that might offer discounted prices. Use a shopping tool to browse for tickets are various airports such as Expedia, Kayak or Orbitz. Use other tools like Farecast to help predict any changes in airfare prices.

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      Buy your tickets directly from the airline. Once you find a ticket price you like, contact the airline directly by going to that airline's website. Sometimes flights are further discounted when you don't have to pay handling fees for a travel website.

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