How to Repair & Restore Leather Luggage

Genuine leather luggage is a great investment because of its durability, versatility and style. But after many years of use, even leather luggage can tear or fall apart. The good news is that these damages are usually reparable, and you don't always need to purchase new leather luggage when this happens. With a few simple steps, you can repair major luggage problems in no time.

Things You'll Need

  • Spare straps and handles
  • Spare wheels
  • Luggage repair kit
  • Leather repair kit
  • Pliers


    • 1

      Order a couple of extra wheels and straps from your luggage company. Keep a spare wheel and strap in your luggage in the event of a mishap, including accessories like axles and clasps, according to These parts are usually the first to go. With your luggage repair kit, reattach missing wheels and straps and repair the major anatomical damages.

    • 2

      Fix any broken zippers. Usually, the slider is what breaks first. To replace the slider, take the old one off first. To put the new one on, line the two sides of the zipper up and slide them into the sides of the slider. If you have trouble sliding them through, use pliers to force the slider onto the zipper. Once slid through, zip the slider back and forth to make sure it works.

    • 3

      Clean the entire surface of your leather luggage using a compatible leather cleaner. Apply small amounts of the cleaner in sections, wiping each section clean with a rag before moving to the next. Leaving any liquid on leather too long could damage the surface. Your leather repair kit should have a bottle of leather cleaner. If not, soapy water works as well.

    • 4

      Repair any blemishes in the leather with your leather repair kit. To repair a scuff, apply a scuff remover and wipe clean with a rag. To repair a tear, apply a leather sealer (make sure the color matches your leather luggage) by working the solution over the damaged area outwardly. Polish and rub until the solution is barely visible. Be careful not to over-scrub, according to

    • 5

      Apply a leather conditioner to the luggage. Once again, apply in small amounts in sections. Leather conditioner will bring the luster and shine back to your luggage, also serving as a sealer to protect it from more wear and tear.

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