Passport Requirements for a US Canada Dual Citizen

Dual citizenship means that a person is a citizen of two countries at the same time. It is possible to be a dual citizen of both the United States and Canada and to carry both passports. Dual citizens holding passports from both countries should keep a few things in mind.

  1. Canadian View

    • Canada encourages its citizens to use their Canadian passports when traveling. It is particularly advised when visiting the country where you hold dual citizenship, including the United States.

    United States View

    • Dual United States citizens are similarly encouraged to use the United States passport when traveling to the USA and abroad. Use of the dual citizenship passport does not affect United States citizenship.

    Using a Single Passport

    • It is best to use a single passport to enter and leave a third country. Missing entry or exit stamps can bring up questions from immigration officials or other persons of authority.

    NEXUS Program

    • Citizens of the United States and Canada who have lived in either country, or both for the last three years may apply for the NEXUS Program. The application must be approved by both countries and allows for easier travel between the two.


    • Dual citizenship is not recognized in all countries. Fines can be imposed for carrying two passports. Check with the consulate of the country you intend to visit before travel.

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