What Rivers Are in Aberdeen Scotland?

Aberdeen, Scotland is a common stop for tourists because it is the third-largest city in the country and lies between two of Scotland's most famous rivers.

  1. Rivers

    • Aberdeen is located between two rivers, the Dee and the Don. This has made Aberdeen a popular fishing community.


    • Because of its location, Aberdeen was given its name, which means "in relation to the rivers" or "the mouths of two rivers."


    • Originally, Aberdeen was two burghs. Old Aberdeen was located at the mouth or River Don and New Aberdeen was a fishing community located where Denburn waterway enters the River Dee estuary.


    • Aberdeen was established more than 6,000 years ago. Settlers chose to settle between the two rivers because it was convenient for trade and fishing.


    • Cliffs and bluffs line the rivers Don and Dee. The Cairngorm Mountains offer some of the best views of the rivers as well as some of the best trails in the area.

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