Fun Games for Kids on Road Trips

If you're excited about your upcoming family vacation but dread the seemingly endless rounds of "Are we there yets?" from your kids, thinking up fun games and road trip activities is essential. Keep your kids occupied with a variety of group and individual games. Planning before you leave can allow your entire family to have a more enjoyable road trip.

  1. Scavenger Hunts

    • Scavenger hunts allow children to develop their detective skills while on the open road. Kids will enjoy the feeling of completing their interactive assignment while you can enjoy some quiet time. Suitable items to look for include cows, specific cars and restaurants. Make your scavenger hunt more challenging by increasing the number of items required for each object. For example, require kids to find 20 brown cars instead of just one. The player that finishes her list first is the winner. Compile a master list for group play or create separate unique lists for individual play. Incorporating special challenges into the scavenger hunt list can make the game more exciting. Possibilities include requesting pictures of unusual items or providing a special treat if everyone finishes his list within a predetermined time limit.


    • Demonstrate that life on the open road can be interesting by telling interactive stories with your kids. Play begins with an object selected as the focal point for your literary masterpiece. Although the people in the next lane may make wonderful subjects, any object along the route is fair game. (This includes abandoned cars, "happy" cows or even storm clouds.) The first player begins a story about the object, while everyone else listens. Play progresses as each family member takes a turn building on the storyline of the previous player. Participate for a set amount of rounds or until the story "feels" complete. Consider taping your story for playback on future road trips.

    Solitary Play

    • Although engaging in group road trip games with your kids can be engrossing, you may all occasionally need a break from these interactions. Pack items such as hand-held video games, activity books and travel-size board games to provide adequate gaming options. Solitary play can be a useful way to wind down from daytime activities or to allow kids to have their own "space" inside your family vehicle.

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