How to Drive Across Country Alone

Driving across the country alone can be a very challenging adventure. However, as long as you prepare for the drive, you will have an enjoyable trip. Follow the instructions below to make sure you and your car stay safe on the long drive ahead.

Things You'll Need

  • Food
  • Water
  • Jumper Cables
  • Emergency Supplies


    • 1

      Prepare for your cross-country trip by making sure your vehicle is ready for it. Have the oil changed, tires and fluids checked, as well as any other minor repairs that may need done. Make sure you have a spare tire and jack in your vehicle. Be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to do this so you will have time to fix any problems.

    • 2

      Stock your trunk for an emergency. Purchase some type of fix-a-flat in a can if you do not know how to fix a flat tire. Stock your trunk with jumper cables, water, flares, oil and a flashlight with extra batteries, a first aid kit and even food. A good sized box of canned food, water, dried and dehydrated snacks, as well as a can opener, are very important when driving across country alone.

    • 3

      Join an Auto Club. These clubs can give you emergency roadside assistance if you have an accident, break down, run out of gas or get a flat tire. Many auto clubs also supply their members with maps and personalized trip maps to whenever they are traveling. You may also get the extra benefit of receiving discounts on hotels, gasoline, restaurants, and vacation activities.

    • 4

      Make sure to bring your cell phone and a car charger. If you do not own a cell phone, it may be wise to buy a pre-paid cell phone and purchase enough minutes in case of an emergency. Make sure you have a list of emergency contacts handy.

    • 5

      Always start every day with a full tank of gas. Never let your tank drop below half a tank, as well. If at all possible, do not get gas at night. If you must, pull off at a very well-lit gas station with many people around. If you can, try to pay for your gas using a debit or credit card, or a pre-paid gas card. This way, you will not have cash in hand.

    • 6

      Get enough rest, at least 8 hours a night. Avoid listening to soft music that can make you sleepy. If you do like music, listen to pre-made CD's of your favorite songs to keep boredom from setting in. Keep snacks on hand, especially energy bars and drinks. It's OK to increase your caffeine intake during long trips! If you start to feel cramped, get out and stretch, walk around, do jumping jacks-anything to keep your energy up.

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