How to Drive Across America

With the fluctuating cost of gas and our busy lifestyles, it seems few travelers opt for the cross-country road trip nowadays, instead opting for the convenience of air travel. Nevertheless, driving across America can be an experience of a lifetime. Small side trips to tourist attractions can fill your day, and relaxing in a different state each night is a fun way to enjoy regional cultures. But you'll want to plan ahead to avoid wrong turns and delays. If you do it right, you might find the journey to be the best part of your vacation.

Things You'll Need

  • GPS unit
  • Books or CDs on tape (optional)
  • Food and drinks
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    • 1

      Purchase a GPS unit if you don't already have one. Even the most inexpensive unit can save you much time and aggravation, and will likely prove more convenient than maps or printed directions from Internet sites.

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      Map your route extensively before you leave. If you are going to be traveling on a holiday week, do your planning two or three weeks in advance. Plan each leg of your trip, including stops for lunch and what city you will sleep in each night.

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      Make hotel or motel reservations before you leave. You can often find Internet-only specials for chain motels and hotels, so check online to make reservations. Reserving a room ahead of time will eliminate unpleasant surprises when the city you're stopping in is holding a festival or convention that you didn't know about.

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      Bring entertainment. If you have satellite radio in your vehicle, set your preset buttons to the most enjoyable stations. If you have a regular radio, invest in books on tape or CD. Find some in thrift stores or sale racks so that you don't spend a significant amount of vacation money on these. Old favorite books, or current ones like the Harry Potter series, can be welcome entertainment while on the road.

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      Pack healthy snacks in a cooler. Fruit, jerky, juice, water and granola bars can all help stave off hunger when you've got 50 miles or more to go before your next scheduled stop.

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      Wear comfortable clothes. If you are planning on enjoying local nightlife during your evening stops, make sure to have a change clothes from those you wear while driving. While driving, wear sweats, yoga pants, comfortable jeans or anything else that doesn't bind.

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      Know your limits. If you rarely drive farther than the local mall, don't plan on driving 12 hours each day. Plan rest stops into your schedule, including time to just sit and relax from driving. You might arrive at your destination feeling much better if you plan an extra travel day into your trip. The reduction in stress can very well be worth the price of another night in a motel.

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