How to Survive a Long Road Trip Alone

Taking a long road trip can be exhausting. Doing so alone can seem unbearable. The fact is that most people will have to make a long road trip alone at least once in their lifetime. There are steps that you can take to make the long journey much easier for yourself.


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      Bring an MP3 player or burn plenty of CDs for your long road trip. This is a much better alternative than bringing your regular CDs or just listening to the radio. During a long road trip, you would need to change CDs every hour if listening to your regular albums. You would also have to frequently change radio stations depending on where you are. A CD that you have burned could have hours of music on it if you make a data CD. An MP3 player could have even more music, depending on which player you own.

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      Buy a hands-free device and a car charger for your cell phone. Being alone during a long road trip shouldn't keep you from talking to people. A hands-free device will allow you to talk to friends and family members during your road trip and the car charger will prevent your phone from dying.

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      Stay only on main roads when making a long road trip alone. Getting lost when you're with somebody isn't so bad and can sometimes even be a little fun. However, having to call somebody for directions, especially when you don't know where you are, is just annoying for both you and the person giving the directions.

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      Drink small amounts of caffeine during the long road trip. You'll want caffeine to help you stay awake during the trip. Too much, however, can make you feel jittery and also cause you make extra stops to use the restroom.

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      Make as few stops as you possibly can. Even if you like to drive, you'll probably want to shorten your long road trip anyway you can. Make full use of your stops, such as filling up on gas, getting food and using the restroom all in one stop.

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      Pull over whenever you feel that you need to rest. Many people will often try to shorten a long road trip by pushing it too far. This can be dangerous for both you and other drivers. Spend a half hour at a rest stop if you must. Getting to your destination in one piece a little later than you hoped is more important than putting yourself in danger.

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