How to Cope With Homesickness While Traveling

Most people experience some degree of homesickness while traveling, even when they're away for brief periods of time. Homesickness does not have to ruin your trip; it can instead offer you an opportunity for growth and an enriched travel experience.

Things You'll Need

  • Walking Shoes
  • Address Books
  • Family Photos
  • Journals
  • Local Guidebooks
  • Photo Albums
  • E-mail Accounts
  • Stationery
  • Cameras


    • 1

      Carry pictures of family and friends with you when traveling, even if you don't anticipate that you will be homesick.

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      Bring contact information for friends and family, even if you think you will not be getting in touch with anyone on your trip.

    • 3

      Recognize that homesickness is a natural feeling when you are separated from loved ones and familiar surroundings. Homesickness may never completely disappear, but you will find ways to enjoy the travel experience while remaining connected to your loved ones.

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      Talk with your friends and loved ones before you leave about places they would be interested in seeing or gifts they would like you to bring back for them. Take photos or collect mementos during your trip that remind you of those you miss back home, and give these as gifts when you return.

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      Create daily rituals that are nurturing and create a safe space away from home. Consider doing daily yoga, taking morning walks, sitting in a café and writing postcards or journal entries, etc.

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      Establish a "home base" such as a café or restaurant. Get to know the proprietors, play with their children or pets, and find favorite items on the menu you can regularly enjoy.

    • 7

      Contact people that you miss via the telephone, letters or e-mail. Communicate your feelings of homesickness to them.

    • 8

      Keep a journal, either to yourself or to a particular person you miss from home.

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      Immerse yourself in your new environment as much as possible, taking advantage of the opportunity to do and see things unavailable to you at home. Physical exercise such as walking or riding a bicycle can combat feelings of depression.

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