How to Roadtrip with a Small Baby

Just because you have a small baby, doesn't mean you have to stop taking those long summer road trips you love, It can be great for your baby too as she gets to spend more time with her family and open her eyes to new experiences. Depending on what stage of development your baby is in there are several ways to make road trips with baby easier. Start with these simple steps and hit the road.

Things You'll Need

  • Car seat
  • Chest of toys
  • Pillow
  • CD of lullabies
  • Stroller
  • Cooler
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      The most important thing to keep the baby happy while on the road is keeping to her schedule. Since the best time for naps on a road trip is while you are driving, leave after breakfast when the baby is ready for his first nap. Take a break for lunch, at the baby's usual feeding time and get back on the road for his afternoon nap. Make sure to end the day with enough time to give the baby his bedtime routine and put him to sleep. This will make for slower driving than you might have done in your life pre-parent, but that is the trade-off.

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      If possible, bring your crib from home so your baby can sleep where she is accustomed to. If this is not an option, bring her bedding and other familiar bed time items to help her sleep easy at night.

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      Fill a box with the baby's toys, books, games and any other play accessories. When you pull over for a rest, find a grassy spot to put down a playmat for him with all his toys set out so he can have quiet playtime at least once a day.

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      Make sure to pack everything you'll need and more. If there will be changes in weather, have all the clothes the baby will need. Also bring baby first aid items, bath needs, etc. Be sure to have hats and sunscreen for your baby. Be prepared for everything. But if you forget something, don't worry; you can always pick it up on the road.

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      Keep a place in the car for quick diaper changes with a changing pad, wet wipes and extra diapers.

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      Inevitably, the baby will get upset at some point in the car when she wakes up and realizes she is still in the car seat, again. If you're not quite at your destination yet, but close, just have someone get in the backseat with the baby and play with her face to face until you arrive. This is a great time for some extra bonding. If this isn't possible, bring some soothing lullabies from home to play music for the baby in the car. Sometimes, the best thing to do is just pull over and hold your baby.

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