How to Find Family Roadtrip Destinations

Spend quality time with family by planning a road trip. Road trips should be fun, educational and affordable. There are many places to go and see within driving distance of anywhere in the country. Have a look at what things the local region has to offer. Follow these steps below for finding a family road trip destination.


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      Drive to the nearest national or state park. There are beautiful parks within driving distance for everyone. Explore the beauty of natural scenery. There will be many things to do such as fishing, hiking or boating. Many parks also offer the chance to learn history of the area by seeing things like log cabin or burial grounds in the park.

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      Take the family camping. Pack everything into the car and head to a beautiful campground. Camping will require a bit of planning. Book a campground a few days ahead of time and plan food and gear needed.

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      Go to a state fair. If close enough, this could only be a day-long road trip, or it may be longer. There are lots of things to do at a fair and much to be learned about the local region.

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      Go for a road trip to appreciate the natural beauty of an area. If living in the Midwest, drive to all of the old-fashioned covered bridges. If living in the east, drive to see all of the local colonial architecture. If living in the west, take a scenic drive through the mountains.

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      See U.S. National Monuments. They all have educational value. See Mount Rushmore or the birthplace of George Washington Carver.

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