How to Plan A Budget Road Trip

Road trips can be very fun. It can give you a chance to see sights, and do things that you would not usually see. Planning can be the key to a great road trip, especially when you are on a budget. These tips may help you plan a budget road trip.


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      Begin by making sure your maintenance is up to date on your car. If is not, you could have problems on the road. Your vehicle will also use more gas if not properly maintained.

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      Plan your route before you leave. When you are planning the route, consider rest areas, gas stations and activities.

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      Pack a cooler before you leave. Pack drinks and snacks so you can avoid purchasing expensive foods. If you run out of items on the trip, stop by a grocery store. Do not choose convenience stores; they are usually much more expensive.

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      Find camping grounds along your route; take a tent and a few camping supplies. You can camp for only a few dollars a night. Camping is the least expensive accommodation available, other than sleeping in your car.

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      Visit national parks for inexpensive entertainment. They're often the best sightseeing, too.

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      Use modern technology to find the least expensive gas prices. You can also use reward programs such as those at grocery stores.

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