How to Create a Roadtrip Map

For many, road trips are the staple of college adventures and the realm of family summer fun. Road trips bring you to new places with stops in between. Seeing the sites, visiting state and national parks and meeting the locals at small town diners are part and parcel of one of the unique aspects of American culture. Road trips, while adventures, still require planning and some preparation. Having a map and relevant information for a particular road trip adds to the enjoyment and safety of your time on the road.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with internet and printer
  • Small notebook and pen
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    • 1

      Find a map making and printing website and enter in your departure address and arrival address. If all you have is a city or general area of arrival, enter that. If you wish to have special points of interest marked along the way (POIs) enter this into the site information fields. For example, if you like to use a particular gas station chain, enter that name and have the map indicate all the available franchises along the way.

    • 2

      Click the "print" link and make sure your printer is on. Make more than one copy in case one is damaged or lost.

    • 3

      Join a travel club that offers free maps, such as AAA. AAA provides members with free "TripTiks." These are spiral bound maps with hotels, gas stations and restaurant POIs added to them at your request.

    • 4

      Keep a pen and notepad with the map to make notations on detours and route changes if you have any areas you suddenly wish to divert to. Write down the detour routes so you have the ability to retrace your path back to your road trip map route.

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