What to See in Corinto, Nicaragua

Corinto is a small town located on the northwest coast of Nicaragua. Corinto might only have a population of 20,000 people, who are mostly poor and struggling to survive, but it has one of the most important harbors in Nicaragua, making it the import and export hub of the country. However, if you are looking for a quiet destination away from the hassle of the big cities, Corinto is the right place for you. With several beautiful beaches and few places to see, Corinto offers you the chance to relax and forget your stress and worries.
  1. Beach

    • Corinto's main attractions are its untouched beach strips. The beach area is called Costa Azul, which has beautiful views to the Corinto Bay and the numerous islands located in front of the bay. Beaches in Corinto are free from tourists, so you can have a relaxing day at the beach all by yourself. Some local kids might show you their soccer skills, but besides that you can enjoy the white sand and the turquoise ocean alone. Watch for the strong currents when you take a dip in the ocean.

    Isla El Cardon

    • Isla el Cardon is one of the islands you can admire from the shores of Corinto Bay. It is completely deserted and utterly beautiful. Some of the local fishermen can take you to Isla el Cardon in their small boats, and the rates are still reasonable. Isla el Cardon also is a perfect destination if you want to enjoy the ocean without having to worry about the currents or if you want to try snorkeling and enjoy the colorful marine life. In addition, adventurous souls can explore the rest of the island if a break from tanning is necessary. A magnificent sunset ends your day with a perfect note.

    Corinto Gastronomic Fair

    • If you happen to visit Corinto during the last week of April, you cannot miss the annual Corinto Gastronomic Fair. For an entire week, Corinto transforms into a paradise for foodies unable to resists the flavors of variety of different Nicaraguan and international cuisine. The main ingredient of the gastronomic creations is seafood. During the fair you will have a change to observe how the different regions of the town prepare fish, shrimp, clam and crab to create their tasty dishes. Besides just showing off the culinary skills of the locals, the fair has also an important meaning for Corinto. The main goal of the fair is to raise funds for the local elderly home and for other social activities organized by the local Catholic Church.

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