Interesting Places in Madagascar

Madagascar is an island located in the Indian Ocean, near the continent of Africa. It features a diverse landscape, with coastal plains, plateaus, beaches and mountains. Some interesting places to go in Madagascar are Ampefy, islands such as Nossi Be, Antananarivo, Tsingy de Bemaracha Strict Nature Reserve and Anteseranana.
  1. Ampefy

    • Ampefy is a borough near Itasy Lake, located on a volcanic substratum. In Ampefy, you can go to lakes, marshes and ponds formed by volcanic craters as well as look at waterfalls, rice plantations and thatched-roof mud houses.


    • Nossi Be, Nossi Mitsio, Nossi Radama and Tanikely are islands off the coast of Madagascar that are known as good diving locations. Near Nossi Be, you can see the ruins of a 17th-century Native Indian village. Islands such as Toliara, Ile Ste-Marie, Ramena, Anjohibe and Nossi Lava have beaches, lagoons and coral reefs, and they are ideal places to go swimming and fishing.


    • Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar. It features arts and crafts markets such as the Zoma Market, which is one of the largest in the world. You can also view a portion of the Rova Palace, which is left after the palace burned down in the 1980s.

    Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve

    • Located on the west coast of Madagascar, the Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve features mangrove swamps and limestone peaks as well as animals such as lemurs.


    • Antseranana is a seaport city where you can find wildlife such as crocodile and lemurs and plants such as orchids. It also features lakes, waterfalls and grottoes, which are located in rainforests near the city.

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