Walt Disney World Stroller Tips

Each of the four Walt Disney World theme parks can do a number on visitors' feet. It's easy to log several miles of walking per day, just by moving from attraction to attraction. This is especially true for families with little ones. Parents are welcome to use strollers throughout the theme parks to ease their tykes' discomfort, and there are several ways they can go about doing this.
  1. In-Park Rentals

    • All four Disney theme parks offer stroller rentals for families near their front entrances. Two sizes of strollers are available and parents will pay $15 for a single stroller, or $31 for a double. Discounts are available for parents who prepay to rent strollers for multiple days during a single trip to Disney World. Another savings is for those who "park hop," or go to more than one park in a single day. Visitors may keep their rental receipt from the first park for a free rental later that day at the second park. This is only good for same-day rentals.

    Bring Your Own

    • Some parents choose to simply bring their kids' own strollers from home. Some of the reasons behind this decision include cost savings, the convenience of the stroller outside the theme park gates, or to offer their kids the comfort of a more familiar ride. However, vacationers also have to consider the ease of portability of the stroller; there may be problems if the stroller cannot be folded easily to fit on a Disney shuttle bus or in the trunk of a rental car. Folks who get to Orlando by plane also have to weigh the pros and cons of flying with a large item that may need to be checked.

    Off-Site Rentals

    • Another option that's available to travelers is an off-property stroller rental company. This allows families to travel to Orlando without lugging a stroller, but nevertheless have one waiting at their resort or hotel. The cost of rental can be cheaper than renting at the theme parks, and travelers can take them in and out. They are also the types of strollers one might find in your local baby store, rather than the hard plastic models Disney uses.

    Touring The Parks

    • Many strollers look alike, especially when parked beside dozens of others in a ride queue area. Tying something distinctive to the stroller like a bright ribbon will identify it more easily, so others don't accidentally walk away with it. Taking valuables out of the stroller is also a good idea, since theft is possible, even in the Happiest Place on Earth. For safety reasons, guests must also be ready to fold their stroller and carry their children when boarding most Disney transportation.

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