Packing Tips for Walt Disney World

Packing for any trip can be a chore if you don't know what you'll need. Packing for a Walt Disney World trip can be even more difficult: How hot will it be? Will it rain? What about blisters? With a little bit of planning, you'll have everything you need. Remember to leave some extra room in your suitcase for the souvenirs that you'll bring back.
  1. Clothing

    • How much you pack depends on the time of year that you visit Walt Disney World. During the summer, shorts and T-shirts are a pretty good bet. It might be cooler in the winter, so you may want to dress in layers. Don't assume that it will be hot just because it's Florida. Jeans, a sweatshirt and a windbreaker are advised. A lightweight rain poncho, sold in many dollar stores, is a sensible thing to have. Make sure you bring a hat and sunglasses, as the sun is strong no matter what season you visit. Don't forget your bathing suit for the water parks and the hotel pool.

      The most essential item for Walt Disney World trip is a sturdy pair of broken-in walking shoes. Don't buy them the day before; your feet need to be used to them. You might want to bring two pairs of walking shoes in case one pair gets wet in the rain or on Splash Mountain, and pack a pair of water shoes if you're hitting the water parks.

    First Aid

    • There are a few preventative items you will want pack. The second most essential item (after the walking shoes) for your Disney trip is sunscreen. Bring it and use it: You can get sunburn even on a cloudy day.

      Also pack bandages, lip balm, aspirin or other pain relievers, and any medication that you may need. You also might want to consider bringing moleskin for blisters. Don't forget the normal items you'd pack for any trip, such as your toothbrush.

    Odds and Ends

    • Pack your camera. Some people prefer to use a disposable camera in the parks so their own camera doesn't get lost. Bring your address book and stamps so you can send postcards. An autograph book from home can save the expense of buying one in the parks, but make sure you have a thick pen, which it makes it easier for the characters to handle in their costumes. You might want to bring a small, empty water bottle to fill up at drinking fountains. A Walt Disney World travel guide also may come in handy. To carry things around the parks, each member of the family should have a hip pack. You'll be amazed at how many you see. A hip pack makes more sense than a backpack or other bag because it can be worn on most rides.

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