Tours in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Playa del Carmen sits in the Riviera Maya, so many of the tours that leave from Cancun also leave from here. One of the most fascinating tours you can take is to one of the archaeological sites; you cannot visit this area without seeing at least one of the archaeological gems, like that of Chichen-Itza, an important Mayan ceremonial site. Other types of tours, like snorkeling trips in the famous cenotes or alternative tours into the jungle, will teach you about the area's culture and traditions. Tours can be booked in advance or directly from your hotel. A variety of tours leave from Playa del Carmen, and most tour companies leave advertising information in the hotels.
  1. Aquatic Expedition

    • The Aquatic Expedition tour takes you to see distinctive cenotes in the area. Cenotes are natural sink holes of clear, warm water that began as underground caves and naturally formed from the limestone and acidic ground water. Cenotes had a great deal of religious connotation for the Mayans, and some were used as sacrificial centers. On the Aquatic Expedition, you visit two large cenotes in the middle of the jungle. The water in the cenotes is clear blue and warm, which makes for perfect snorkeling. The tour includes transportation, snorkeling gear and lunch and takes about seven hours. The tour is available in Playa del Carmen every day of the week except Friday, and pickup is at your hotel.

      Aquatic Expedition



    • Chichen-Itza was once the capital of the Mayan empire. Today, it is the most historic and one of the most important archaeological sites in Mexico. The Mayas are considered one of the most advanced Indian cultures in all of the Americas. A visit to the ceremonial center of Chichen-Itza will show you their magnificence. You will see the pyramid of Kukulkan, the Ball Court, Temple of the Warriors, Observatory and the Sacred Well. Tours leave every day from Playa del Carmen at 8 a.m. and return at 7 p.m.



    Mayan Encounter

    • The Mayan Encounter tour will allow you to experience real Mayan culture. You'll visit Coba, a Mayan archaeological site, walk a mile to Nohoch Muul, the tallest pyramids in the Yucatan; and visit a real Mayan village and talk to the descendants of this pre-Hispanic civilization. You can walk with them and learn of the local flora and fauna. You'll partake in a kayak trip on a lagoon, rappel down a cliff, swim in an old cenote and zip line through the jungle. This trip requires physical stamina and is for people who are used to physical activity.

      Mayan Encounter Tour


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