Language Interpretation Tools

Traveling to a country with a national language other than your own first language might require the help of language interpretation tools, especially if you do not speak the native language. These tools can speak words and expressions for you, and have the capability of interpreting multiple languages. They even come in handy if you're shopping in your local ethnic food market.
  1. Handheld Electronic Translators

    • Handheld interpretation tools are not much bigger than cellphones.

      Handheld electronic translation tools are devices similar in size to cellphones. They are battery-operated and have varying capabilities such as pronouncing words and phrases out loud, speech-to-speech translation and dictionaries. Some common models are the JetBook, iTRAVL and Partner. These do not require a wireless signal for use (see Reference 1).

    Translation Applications for Cellphones

    • Intrepretation tools are available for most smartphones.

      Downloadable apps are available for different types of cell phones to include Windows Mobile, Palm and iPhone. These have similar features to those on handheld translation tools, and they result in one less electronic device to carry and keep track of if you're traveling. Most translation apps are either free or low-cost. Some need to be connected to the Internet while others can operate offline (see Reference 2).

    Translation Software for Your Computer

    • You can find a multitude of downloadable software options for your computer that are compatible with different types of operating systems. These have features such as speech-to-speech translation, text-to-speech translation, web-browsing translation and spell check. In May 2011, most software packages ranged from $59 to $116 (see Reference 3).

    Online Translation Software

    • When you're online and just need a quick translation, interpretation websites offer limited free translations and unlimited translations with a subscription. These tools can translate typed text and entire websites; some popular free choices are offered through Google, Yahoo! and (see References 4, 5 and 6).

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