How to Workout in Your Hotel Room

Staying fit while traveling can be a challenge if most of your time is spent sitting around and eating. If the hotel gym is lacking and you are in an area where a run outdoors isn't an option, you can still get a great workout without stepping out of your room. Making healthy meal choices and staying active will help you maintain your weight and still see the world.

Things You'll Need

  • Yoga Mat and/or
  • Speed Rope and/or
  • Inflatable Weights
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      Research. Check out your space and find out what the hotel has to offer.See if you hotel supplies yoga mats. If not, a thin mat is easily packable and takes little room. Yoga mats are perfect for stretching, pushups, sit ups and, yes, even yoga.

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      Check your TV. Sometimes your hotel network will offer exercise programs on demand that you can follow in your room. Does your room have a DVD player? Workout DVDs are easy to pack, inexpensive and can provide great exercise!

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      Even with zero equipment, you can get a decent 30 minute workout. Buy a fitness magazine in the hotel gift shop. Almost all publications offer at home exercises that can easily be adapted to your hotel room.

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      Take the time to develop a travel workout according to your needs. Three sets of 15 lunges, sit ups and push ups is a great start. Add leg lifts, crunches and yoga poses to increase the difficulty and variety.

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