How to Spot Pickpocketing Techniques

Pickpockets live almost anywhere: big cities, small towns-even in rural communities. To keep from being a victim, you must know how to spot pick-pocketing techniques. Knowledge and awareness of your surroundings is an excellent pickpocket defense.


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      Stay vigilant in familiar places; pickpockets commonly target people in comfortable, everyday surroundings where they let down their guard. Be mindful of anyone "hanging around" the local grocery store on payday that pays more attention to the patrons than the products.

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      Beware of strangers who frequently touch you. One of a pickpocket's favorite techniques is to desensitize a person to touch. This makes removal of items worn on the body-such as jewelry-an easier process. If someone you don't know begins a lively conversation, touching you frequently and directing and redirecting your attention, he could be trying to rob you.

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      Take notice of anyone you don't know who tries to focus your attention; even if the person seems helpful. For example, as you leave a store laden with packages, a stranger approaches to tell you there's grease all over the back of your coat. She offers to hold your packages or begins helping you out of your coat to show you. You allow this because she seems very nice and you don't want grease on your car upholstery. What you don't realize is an accomplice brushed the grease on the coat in the store. While you concentrate on the mess, the pickpocket helps herself.

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      Keep your possessions close when someone is making a scene-it could be a ploy. As people stop to stare, an accomplice can be working the crowd. Keep your eyes open. Vigilance can be the best pickpocket defense.

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