How to Clean Clothes in a Hotel Room

It is difficult to pack enough clothes for a long trip and get the bag out the front door, let alone on an airplane. Many people have switched to the alternative and decided to take fewer clothes and wash their clothes in the hotel. But many hotel washing machines are dirty and can ruin clothes. The alternative is to wash the clothes yourself in your hotel room. Here's how.


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      Pack a laundry kit with detergent when traveling. There are several kits on the market. The Laundr'Pac contains detergent, a sink plug and other accessories to clean the clothes in a hotel room.

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      Pack a stain remover. Shout Wipes or Magic Wand stain remover both work wonders on your favorite stains. Choose your favorite stain remover and pack it. It may be hard to find these things while on the road.

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      Pack wrinkle spray. The spray is another way to freshen up your clothes and remove the travel wrinkles from them. Many times clothes don't need to be cleaned, just freshened up. L.C. Industries' Wrinkle-Free Spray works well to remove stains. McNett Quick Fresh Traveler's Clothing Spray freshens and deodorizes the clothes.

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      Pack a small clothesline to dry the clothes. Take some clothes pins. There are several travel clothespins available on the market that are specifically made for hotel rooms. Rick Steve's clothesline is reasonably priced and hangs nicely. Check the travel section of an AAA store or a camping store for more clothes washing accessories

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