How to Pack a Child's Suitcase

Preschool and school-aged children are fairly easy to pack for, as long as you let them join in the process. Follow these few simple ground rules.

Things You'll Need

  • Child's Backpack
  • Children's Luggage
  • Luggage Sets
  • Travel Clothes
  • Travel Pillows
  • Headphones
  • Personal Stereos
  • Portable CD Players
  • Inflatable Pillows
  • Plastic Freezer Bags
  • Permanent Markers
  • Permanent markers
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      Let your child help choose which clothes to take along ' explain what the weather will be like where you are going. Retain veto power over the choices, though.

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      Try to plan coordinated outfits in advance for each day of your trip, so there will be no fuss about what to wear each day. Bring a few extra outfits in case of spills or damage.

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      If possible, store each outfit in a large zipper-close plastic bag, or a store bag for older children. This makes it easy for your child to pick a matching set of clothes each day, and provides you with a handy container for snacks or garbage while you are sightseeing.

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      Give your child a small backpack or carry-on bag of his own, and explain that he can take favorite toys or books that will fit in the bag, but that he must carry it himself.

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      Sew or print (with a permanent fabric marker) your child's name and emergency contact information inside all his clothes.

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      Pack a few extra snacks and surprises to keep your child happy during the journey ' if you're flying, include some hard candy or gum to relieve pressure during takeoffs and landings.

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