How to Easily Pack a Suitcase

Just packing a suitcase can bring on a case of pre-trip jitters, especially if traveling isn't routine. Luckily, there are a few easy steps to follow that will reduce anxiety, ensure that all necessities are included and keep things wrinkle-free and organized.

Things You'll Need

  • Personalized packing list
  • Pen or pencil
  • Small plastic bottles
  • Plastic dry cleaner bags
  • Ziplock baggies
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      Search the Internet for a packing list that can be personalized, tailor it to the trip and print it out. Consider destination-specific packing lists to assist with adapting the list based on the destination and check off each item as it is gathered for packing.

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      Downsize toiletries by placing them in smaller, travel-friendly containers or purchasing 3-ounce versions to place in carry-on baggage. Eliminate any items that will be provided at the destination hotel.

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      Choosing mix and match pieces for a vacation wardrobe keeps suitcases light.

      Pack basic clothes that coordinate with each other and limit yourself to two or three pairs of shoes. Use lightweight, colorful accessories to dress up for evening.

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      Place outfits that will be hung in a closet in plastic dry cleaner bags and roll other articles of clothing to prevent wrinkles. Place shoes and small items in ziplock baggies to keep them from soiling the clothing.

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      Pack undergarments in a mesh laundry bag and place rolled-up socks and belts inside the shoes.

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      Gather all of the items around the suitcase. Place heavy items toward the end of the suitcase that will be on bottom when it is standing, and fill the remaining space with rolled clothing. Fill in any holes with ziplock bag items and place the dry cleaner bag outfits on top.

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      Review the packing list to ensure all items were checked and packed.

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