Air Travel Precautions

The majority of people do not have any problems when they travel by air. Even then, it is better to take some precautions to make the flying experience more enjoyable. Especially when you are traveling with kids or with newborn babies, it is necessary to know what precautions to take so that your children have the least amount of discomfort. This will make both your journey and your children's journey hassle free and enjoyable.
  1. Motion Sickness

    • Some passengers are prone to motion sickness while flying. The signs of motion sickness are nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing, sudden drowsiness and pale skin. Motion sickness can make the journey seem painful in such cases. Refrain from having alcohol and greasy food 24 hours before you board the plane. There are medications available for motion sickness, which need to be taken 30 minutes before the flight departure. It is best to consult your doctor before taking these medications. Relief bands are also available, which help relieve nausea and vomiting

    Jet Lag

    • When traveling through multiple time zones, you can experience jet lag. The body takes a minimum of 24 hours to adjust to the new time zone. To avoid being jet lagged, rest as much as possible and sleep or keep your eyes closed while flying. Go to sleep a few hours earlier than your usual bedtime if you are traveling east and sleep late if you are traveling west. This way, your body will adjust to the time zone of your destination.

    Traveling with Kids

    • Children can get ear pain while flying. To avoid this, give them a pacifier or a lollipop to suck, which will help their ears adjust to the altitude. Also remember not to feed your child a full meal at least two hours before flying in case they are prone to motion sickness, which could result in nausea and vomiting. Instead, feed them easily digestible food such as bread, water, juice and fruits.

    Walk Around

    • Sitting for long periods of time during air travel can create blood clots in the legs of even healthy people. Moving around is a good way to avoid clots. Walk around within the airplane as much as possible unless the crew objects to this. Stretching calf muscles even while sitting is a good idea.

    Carry your Medicines

    • Carry all your medicines along with you while traveling. The medicines should be in their original bottles in case they are searched at customs or security. In case you have a chronic health condition, be sure to wear an identification tag and have contact information for your doctor ready to be used in an emergency.

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