Air Travel & Tourism

Air travel and tourism are affected by a number of factors, such as the cost of gas, price of tickets, disposable income, and threats of terrorism, according to Business Reference Services.
  1. History

    • After World War II, both tourism and air travel increased among Americans as a result of travel promotions and higher disposable income. Following industry deregulation and the growth of discount airlines, these increases continued.

    Negative Impacts

    • Higher prices for gas adversely affect tourism and air travel because they result in proportionally higher ticket prices. Natural disasters like hurricanes, political unrest, economic recession, unemployment, and lower disposable income also result in decreased in air travel.

    Additional Facts

    • Between August 2008 and July 2009, more than 40 percent of Americans reported they had taken leisure trips by air. Internet purchase of airline tickets increased. However, there was widespread frustration among air travelers about their flying experiences. Almost half of them do not believe airline problems will improve any time soon, according to the U.S.Travel Association's website.

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