How to Shop Like a Pro (LA edition)

Whoever said shopping was easy has obviously never been to Los Angeles. Between the traffic, spread out stores, difficult sales people and high prices, shopping in LA can be a bit overwhelming. But NOT ANYMORE. Simple tricks and tips can have you going to the stores you want and getting the look you deserve.

Things You'll Need

  • Credit Card
  • Cash
  • Quarters
  • Reading Material
  • Cell Phone
  • Patience
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      Set your course. There are tons and tons of places to go shopping in LA. I have narrowed down the best places to go so you do not waste any time.
      1. Robertson Blvd between 3rd and Beverly Blvd
      2. Melrose Ave between La Brea and Fairfax
      3. Montana Ave in Santa Monica + fred Segal in SM
      4. 3rd Street between Fairfax and La Cienega

      Of course the list goes on, but true Angelenos know these spots are hard to beat.

      These spots will take 2 days. The first day should be devoted to Robertson, Melrose and 3rd St, while the 2nd day should focus solely on Santa Monica.

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      Entertain yourself. Even if you map it out, you are still going to deal with the T-word....TRAFFIC!!!! Ok so don't panic. Your cell can allow you to catch up with old friends and family. Not satisfied? Bring the latest issue of W or Vogue to get an idea of what the latest trends in fashion. (Obviously this is for when you are stopped, do not read and drive!) Lastly, check out the people in the cars next to you. Who knows it might be Paris or Nicole.

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      Work the meters. Parking will also be one of those unavoidable issues. You will find lots and sometimes they will not charge you too much, but often you will be forced to pay $7 even if you were only parked for 2 hours. How to handle this? Bring lots and lots of quarters. Meters are all over LA and they are a lot easier for quick stops, but TRUST ME let your meter run out and you WILL get a parking ticket, and how much do we all love those?!

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      Show the sales people who's boss. Shopping at some of LA's hottest stores (Lisa Kline, Milk, etc) can be kind of intimidating, especially for out of towners. This is an problem easily solved! Act like you've been there a million times and you have all the money in the world to spend (they do not need to know that you are brokity broke broke). Once you show them that you are serious, you will have them running all over the store to make you look like you walked right off the runway!!

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