Weather Conditions in Kyle Canyon, Nevada

Kyle Canyon, Nevada, located on Mount Charleston, has four distinct seasons, two of which are wet. The rest of the year, rain or snowfall are rare occurrences. Since the terrain is mountainous, winds can be strong all year long.
  1. Geography

    • The highest elevation on Mount Charleston is nearly 12,000 feet, and Kyle Canyon sits on the eastern section of this mountain. Kyle Canyon is steep and narrow with a tall, rocky escarpment at the top. Ponderosa pines, mountain mahogany and aspen are the most common trees in the canyon. Since the elevations in Kyle Canyon are high, being in the sunshine warms the skin all year long.


    • Spring and fall are the driest seasons in Kyle Canyon. Winter storms come from the Pacific Northwest and summer thunderstorms form mid-June to mid-September are fueled with moisture from the south. All storms in Kyle Canyon can bring heavy moisture, and thunderstorms can have severe lightening and wind.


    • Visitors coming from Las Vegas should bring rain gear and light jackets during the summer, when temperatures are almost 30 degrees cooler than the desert floor. After thunderstorms, the temperatures can drop as much as 15 to 20 degrees. Daytime winter temperatures are usually below freezing and night temperatures can fall below zero.


    • Fire danger is extreme in Kyle Canyon since the canyon has heavy fuel loads that can be tinder-dry any time of year. Chains may be required in the winter after a heavy snowfall. Sunscreen will prevent sunburns all year long in Kyle Canyon.

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