How to Convert Yen to the Dollar

No two currencies are alike. Whether you are returning to the United States from a trip to Japan or comparing the prices of goods and services between the two countries, knowing how to convert yen to dollars is essential. While the business of exchange rates appears intimidating, calculating currency conversion is simple. All you need is a knowledge of basic multiplication.


    • 1

      Navigate to a currency website, such as, or

    • 2

      Look for the website's exchange rate chart. The website will usually display this on the front page. Find out what 1 yen is worth in U.S. dollars. For example, as of December 18th, 2009, 1 yen was equal to 0.0111 U.S. dollars.

    • 3

      Multiply the amount of yen you have by the exchange rate. This will convert the yen into U.S. dollars. For example, 5000 yen multiplied by 0.0111 equals about 55.50 U.S. dollars.

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