How to Convert CAD (Canadian Dollars) to USD

Canada and the United States share the longest border between any two countries. Furthermore, around 90 percent of Canada's population lives within a mere hundred miles of the U.S. border, according to the Encyclopedia of the Nations. Despite this close proximity between many Canadians and Americans, the two countries have several differences in day-to-day life. Although Canadian dollars and American dollars are often within a few cents of each other in value, they are completely different currencies.

Things You'll Need

  • Calculator
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    • 1

      Determine the current exchange rate between U.S. and Canadian currencies. As of Oct. 12, 2010, for example, one Canadian dollar was equal to 0.98804 U.S. dollar. This rate varies frequently and significantly, though; the Canadian dollar was worth up to 1.07561 U.S. dollars in February 2010. Check to ensure you have the most up-to-date information for an accurate conversion. Various websites provide this information as well as currency calculators.

    • 2

      Enter the number of Canadian dollars you wish to convert to U.S. dollars into your calculator. For example, if you want to convert 27 Canadian dollars to U.S. dollars, enter 27 into your calculator.

    • 3

      Multiply this number by the current exchange rate. For example, on Oct. 12, 2010, when the exchange rate was 0.98804 Canadian dollars per U.S. dollar, you would multiply 27 times 0.98804 for a total of 26.67708, which rounds to $26.68. This is the number of U.S. dollars in 27 Canadian dollars. If you had done this same calculation in February of 2010 when the Canadian dollar was at its high for the month, you would have multiplied 27 times 1.07561 for a total of 29.04147, which rounds to $29.04.

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