How to Learn Japanese Money

The official currency of Japan is the yen. Both paper banknotes and metal coins are used and range in denominations from 1 yen up to 10,000 yen. The currency is similar to the U.S. system in that the paper notes are of equal size with the value printed on the note, and the coins are of different size and texture with the value on the face. Although checks and credit cards are used, Japan remains a very cash-based economy. If you are traveling to Japan, it is important to have a basic understanding of the currency so you can purchase goods and services with confidence.


    • 1

      Determine the current exchange rate to Japanese yen. There are a variety of free online exchange rate calculators. Banks, airports and other major travel and tourist destinations also provide exchange rate information.

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      Learn the different denominations of paper banknotes. The National Printing Bureau of Japan currently issues four different denominations of banknotes. The 10,000 yen note is the highest, and features a portrait of Yukichi Fukuzawa, a Meiji-era philosopher and founder of Keio University on the front side. The 5,000 yen note features a portrait of Ichiyo Higuchi, a Meiji-era writer and poet on the front side. The most commonly used 1,000 yen note features a portrait of Hideyo Noguchi, a bacteriologist who devoted himself to yellow fever research. The 2,000 yen note exists, but is not common and features a drawing of the second gate of Shuri Castle in Okinawa.

    • 3

      Learn the values of different coinage. Coins currently in circulation include the 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 yen coins. Each coin has the value clearly displayed on its face.

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